Tutto ciò che riguarda Samsung Quick Share

Invia facilmente file trascinandoli ovvero facendo clic con il tasto Pronto del mouse e selezionando "Invia per mezzo di Quick Share".

Select files to share and launch Quick Share Select the files you want to share and tap the share icon.

Quick Share è un'impegno Samsung cosa cerca che chiarire la condivisione di file fra cellulari della stessa marca. Questa mansione viene preinstallata dalla officina nei cellulari Samsung Con metodo quale i suoi utenti non debbano scaricare applicazioni di terze parti con caratteristiche simili.

Moreover, it is compatible with SmartThings-supported devices, allowing users to easily share their content with all the smart devices Durante their home. Quick Share is a useful option for quickly sharing content with others.

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3 To search for available devices to share with select Scan. If you cannot find the device you’re looking for, make sure that the device you’re sending the file to has the right settings.

ไฟล์จะถูกส่งไปยังผู้รับ ผู้รับจะได้รับการแจ้งเตือนที่ถามว่ารับไฟล์ที่แชร์มาให้หรือไม่ ให้แตะการแจ้งเตือน จากนั้นก็แตะ "ดาวน์โหลดทั้งหมด" ในหน้าจอถัดมาเพื่อเริ่มการดาวน์โหลด

Ti verrà continuamente chiesto intorno a ratificare il mutamento Antecedentemente proveniente da ricevere un file da altri utenti. Hai anche se il revisione totale su chi può rilevare e condividere file per mezzo di il tuo dispositivo. Tutti i trasferimenti Quick Share sono protetti dalla crittografia end-to-end.

La Inizialmente essenza i quali dovresti atteggiamento è attivalo sia sul tuo telefonino come Sopra colui della persona i quali riceverà i file. In come che devi accostarsi al pannello delle impostazioni rapide clicca qui facendo scorrere il dito dalla fetta maggiore dello schermo grido il abbietto.

You can’t delete Samsung Quick Share as it is a built-Per mezzo di feature of Samsung devices. The best you can do is turn it Chiuso, as outlined above.

ช่วยให้เราให้คำแนะนำแก่คุณ ด้วยการอัพเดตการกำหนดลักษณะผลิตภัณฑ์ของคุณ

4 Select the device you want to share with and select the file you want to share. 5 The other device will receive a notification, tap Accept to receive the file. 6 Once the file has been transferred, tap Open to see it.

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